so the plan was to chart for a month or two after coming back from paraguay before starting to TTC, and i think we're basically still sticking to that plan. the last month since we've been back has been pretty chaotic anyway, with us winning a contest to be one of the first 6 couples to get civil-unioned in illinois, and probably ovulating during that week but i broke my opk while we were at the hotel (we got a honeymoon suite free for the night!) and also was WAY too completely exhausted that whole week to take my BBT well, and then having friends in town that whole week, and then starting the diet again, etc ad infinitem.
also i was privately obsessing about babying so much and not talking about it at loud at all, and i realized a few weeks ago that this method of planning was putting a bit of stress on me. for some reason, i subconsciously thought esther didn't want to be bothered all the time with my thoughts, feelings, plans etc about it, so i didn't tell her, but then i realized i was getting resentful 'doing it myself.' which praise be to God, we eventually talked about and in fact she DOESN'T want me keeping it all to myself/mind me blabbing about it all the time. now i feel totally reassured that she's just as excited about it as i am, and i say more random baby things out loud (like, driving past the lycee francais de chicago-"ooh, how cool would it be if our kids went there??").
we made an appointment for our first consultation at the chicago women's health center, july 13, and theoretically after that we could start inseminating! the next time i will O after that will be the first week of august, so this could be happening really, really all depends on if they think things look good after looking at my charts, and also on the financial flow. and it's exceedingly likely that even if we do start in august, it will take many months to get preggers, so i don't want to get my hopes all up. but we are planning a trip to pittsburgh for labor day and how COMPLETELY insane would it be if i was pregnant already by that time?? i would, of course, not breathe a word about it to my family at that point, and think i would wait until second trimester at least. just saying.
we're planning on trying every other month so we can save up a little on the in-between months (mostly so i can save up to pay my taxes next year--annoying!), so this could happen august, october, december, etc. we're leaning towards using northwest cryo bank, cause even though midwest opened up again, their prices are now on the same level as NW's and they don't have the argentine donor anymore (buuu!!...). so i hope we find an awesome donor at NW and can afford the inseminations and spermies and chart well in the coming months and fingers crossed for everything!!! praying, too :)