Monday, July 30, 2012
started pre-natals again today....
i couldn't resist writing today....the one year anniversary of our very first IUI we ever tried. after months and months of planning, temping, taking pre-natals, POASing, etc, of course , so i guess you could theoretically say we started TTC in like january 2011, but still. feels like a landmark day.
perhaps obviously, that first try didn't work. neither did the next 5 we did over a span of about 8 months. (first with swimmers from NW and then later with a KD, who appeared miraculously just as we were realizing we couldn't afford to purchase anymore!). we did those first couple of tries as IUIs at our crunchy womens' clinic, then the remaining tries at KD's or our home. it was great fun , but never worked. after the 6th try KD and his wife were still happy to keep trying, but i wanted to nip this thing in the bud and started trying to hit up the doctors.
my midwives did the minimal tests that they were equipped for, and discovered everything looked good except for my estradiol being very low, but unfortunately they didn't know enough about what that might mean, so they sent me to my GP. my GP sent me to an OB-GYN (after first annoyingly expressing surprise that i would even attempt this without medical help. i felt like saying, and did YOU talk to a doctor before you slept with your husband??). the OB was great, but wanted to send me to a fertility clinic, which i wasn't (and still am not) sure my insurance will cover, since i can't prove i've been having heterosexual sex for one year (or ever, really). so i appreciated his help but wasn't sure where that would lead....luckily, he decided to do some basic bloodwork while i was there, and it turned out my thyroid was very high (or was it low?). this sent me back to my GP so i could get a referral to an endo (gotta love HMOs!), who turned out to be awesome. my first visit with her was in, i believe, april, and she has been playing with thyroid medicine ever since then, trying to get my levels in check. (before each visit with her i have to go to my GP to get bloodwork drawn a few days in advance, and once i even had a thyroid ultrasound...that was kind of interesting. not exactly the type of ultrasound i was hoping for, but you do what you gotta do....). she also basically diagnosed PCOS just by looking at me (apparently my chubby tummy is a dead giveaway . at the last visit she also put me on metformin. so far i haven't had any of the side effects the pharmacist warned me about, and i begin to suspect it might actually be working! (i had what i think are ovulation pains the last two cycles i've been on it, which i never had before!). she treats diabetes in her practice, and was able to prescribe it as a 'pre-diabetes-so-you-don't-get-it' kind of a drug, but she and i both know it's a fertility drug (at least a low level intro one). i think she 'gets it' and understands the troubles i might have getting fertility clinic stuff covered by insurance, so is trying to do whatever she can to help me avoid that. she also has me on prescription strength vitamin D, but don't ask me how that's related.
my next appointment with the helpful endo is 9/6, and i'm really hoping that on that day, she will say my thyroid levels are back to normal and i can start trying again!! of course there is always the chance there's something ELSE wrong with me, but for now i'm going to pretend that was it, i'm magically cured, and will be able to get pregnant within a couple of tries.
hmm...gotta start working accupuncture back into the budget, too. speaking of budgets, i was seriously considering putting off TTC because i applied for an internship which i would have absolutely LOVED to take, and i have gotten to the final rounds of the selection process....but i think i've realized that we really won't be able to afford life on that salary. it's an OK salary, but not great, and it's more work than i do here so would probably have to quit my part time job or jobs...which just isn't financially feasible quite yet. i'm bummed because i LOVE this job possibility (community organizing inter-faith residency) but the one amazing awesome thing i realized by not taking it--i can concentrate on BABYING immediately!! instead of trying to plan it around the residency calendar and health insurance and what have you. so counting down to 9/6 appt and hope it's good news....
Friday, July 06, 2012
and the passing of time goes on....
we haven't given up TTC! just kind of forgot about this blog :) and we've been on a kind of hiatus...not from the process itself, but from active insemming.
after february, that was 6 tries for us and i wanted medical advice. our donor and wife would have been happy to keep trying a few more times, but for me it would have felt like wasting time (and sperm!) (and ben and jerry's!).
so i headed off to start a string of doctor visits. to summarize: to my midwives for bloodwork, who found my estradiol was low. sent me to my GP, who didn't know what to do and sent me to an ob-gyn. missed that first appt because of traffic but got there eventually. he was nice, but wanted to send me to a fertility clinic and i still don't know if my HMO would cover that. in the meantime he did basic bloodwork for the heck of it and discovered my thyroid numbers were way off.
back to GP, who referred me to an endocrinologist with a diagnosis of, and i quote "hypothyroidism and infertility." yay! that means i have it officially in case i ever want to try a fertility clinic :)
the endo is an awesome lady who i've seen twice now. she's been trying different dosage levels of synthroid to regulate my thyroid, and i think we're getting close. to figure that out i have to have my blood taken every time we try a new dose, and a few weeks ago i even had a thyroid ultrasound (interesting). at this last visit she also prescribed metformin, which is for diabetes but also used as fertility drugs. holy cow! she essentially is givin me (low-level, introductory, but still) fertility treatment without sending me to a fertility clinic! so freaking awesome. so now i take three pills a day, some with food, some without, and a prescription-strength vitamin D once a week.
she suggested still not trying actual insemination until we get the thyroid worked out, and i totally agree. after the next time we draw blood (late august?), i'll start charting again and if the numbers are right, maybe try again a month or two after that. i'm pretty sure our donor and his wife are still up for it.
this could actually work! i really truly believe that.
also we now have a dog and lord knows i don't know where we're going to put a baby, but we'll manage :)
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
yes, no, maybe so.
yesterday (and over the weekend) i was pretty optimistic that's POSSIBLE that this time worked. today, not so much. i woke up last night from some brief, but annoying cramps--the ones i ALWAYS get one week before i get my period. so though i still don't know why this happens (as i wrote in an earlier post, why would my uterus need to practice every month one week before showtime?), it seems to imply that this is a normal (i.e. not pregnant) cycle and AF will be showing next week. yeesh.
i discovered that there were some comments to an earlier post on here :), and they're right--going to see my doctor will feel like an important step. my appointment is set for next tuesday!
i discovered that there were some comments to an earlier post on here :), and they're right--going to see my doctor will feel like an important step. my appointment is set for next tuesday!
Monday, February 13, 2012
and next month....
well, clearly last month didn't take. that's ok, i was bummed as usual but not completely depressed. my CD21 test said everything was fine so at least (we think) i ovulated. it was a tough month because our sweet wonderful cat Merry passed away, and we miss her terribly still. we briefly considered that maybe she went away because the time was right and to make room for the baby coming, but then...bfn. so that did suck. we actually have two new adopted kitties from the pound but they will absolutely never take her place. we still cry when we talk about her with friends. she was my roommate for eight years in three different countries and i know she will be with us forever. whoops...i'm going to start crying now.
oy. back to ttc stuff!
so we started a new month. maybe it will be good luck because i also was conceived in february? (my parents actually told me the only time they had sex that month was on valentine's day....yech.). but right off the bat we hit a snag--i had CD3 testing done and found out my estradiol is WAY low. like off the charts low. but since i have normal periods the midwife was really confused--it doesn't seem to be affecting me. and i really couldn't find much info about low estradiol online as the bigger (or more common) issue seems to be HIGH estradiol. so yeah.
moving on to the next step, i made an appointment to see my general practitioner. i have never actually met her, but i had to choose one since i have an HMO, and the midwives recommended her. i made the appt for near the time when AF should show just IN CASE we actually got pregnant this cycle. but i essentially have no hope because i feel like getting those test results were the midwife handing me The Reason that it hasn't been working. (p.s. it took FOREVER to get the test results--i didn't get them until freaking CD14!!--because the lab took too long, then they tested for the wrong thing, then the midwife was out at births two days in a row and no one else is allowed to discuss test results....oy!!!!)
this also means we'll probably take a few months off, because if i see my doctor on, say, CD5, she's going to want to run the CD3 tests again surely, so we'll have to wait a month to do that; then depending on the results she may or may not have to refer me out to an RE, who will seemingly want to run his/her own tests, and on and on.
this break could be a very good thing, though. i'm definitely going to do a little south beach diet again in the interim :), and i wouldn't be surprised if a break from ttc lightened our spirits a bit.
now here's the thing. last friday, i saw a tiny little drop of blood when i went to the restroom here at work. literally one drop, and then nothing else before or since. it looks suspiciously like implantation bleeding, or at least what i've heard IB is supposed to be like. i do NOT, CAPITAL NOT, want to get my hopes up, though :(. every month i get a twinge of hope and then AF comes traipsing in, it's like a frigging 18-wheeler rumbling across my chest. i don't want to feel that again. so i keep telling myself it's probably nothing and doesn't mean anything. i'm not tracking any other signs so i don't know what's going on with my temperature and i don't even know what day i ovulated. i of course went back through the forums and found people who had mentioned IB, to which lots of folks said "that's almost always a good sign!" but then they got bfns. so....
but here's the thing. if that was IB, and it is supposed to happen 7-10 days after fertilization...if you take the lower number of 7, conception would have been the previous friday, the day after our second insemination and the first day of good EWCM, so makes due date (40 weeks after conception) would be my birthday. that would be pretty much amazing.
(and last night in the shower i got *convinced* for about 7 minutes that i really was pregnant and was giddily chattering away to my belly the whole time. i think those moments of positivity are probably sending very good vibes to any life form that may exist in there! but i just can't entertain them for too long, because i just don't want to fall too far when AF shows up next week.)
this is the LONGEST TWW ever!!
oy. back to ttc stuff!
so we started a new month. maybe it will be good luck because i also was conceived in february? (my parents actually told me the only time they had sex that month was on valentine's day....yech.). but right off the bat we hit a snag--i had CD3 testing done and found out my estradiol is WAY low. like off the charts low. but since i have normal periods the midwife was really confused--it doesn't seem to be affecting me. and i really couldn't find much info about low estradiol online as the bigger (or more common) issue seems to be HIGH estradiol. so yeah.
moving on to the next step, i made an appointment to see my general practitioner. i have never actually met her, but i had to choose one since i have an HMO, and the midwives recommended her. i made the appt for near the time when AF should show just IN CASE we actually got pregnant this cycle. but i essentially have no hope because i feel like getting those test results were the midwife handing me The Reason that it hasn't been working. (p.s. it took FOREVER to get the test results--i didn't get them until freaking CD14!!--because the lab took too long, then they tested for the wrong thing, then the midwife was out at births two days in a row and no one else is allowed to discuss test results....oy!!!!)
this also means we'll probably take a few months off, because if i see my doctor on, say, CD5, she's going to want to run the CD3 tests again surely, so we'll have to wait a month to do that; then depending on the results she may or may not have to refer me out to an RE, who will seemingly want to run his/her own tests, and on and on.
this break could be a very good thing, though. i'm definitely going to do a little south beach diet again in the interim :), and i wouldn't be surprised if a break from ttc lightened our spirits a bit.
now here's the thing. last friday, i saw a tiny little drop of blood when i went to the restroom here at work. literally one drop, and then nothing else before or since. it looks suspiciously like implantation bleeding, or at least what i've heard IB is supposed to be like. i do NOT, CAPITAL NOT, want to get my hopes up, though :(. every month i get a twinge of hope and then AF comes traipsing in, it's like a frigging 18-wheeler rumbling across my chest. i don't want to feel that again. so i keep telling myself it's probably nothing and doesn't mean anything. i'm not tracking any other signs so i don't know what's going on with my temperature and i don't even know what day i ovulated. i of course went back through the forums and found people who had mentioned IB, to which lots of folks said "that's almost always a good sign!" but then they got bfns. so....
but here's the thing. if that was IB, and it is supposed to happen 7-10 days after fertilization...if you take the lower number of 7, conception would have been the previous friday, the day after our second insemination and the first day of good EWCM, so makes due date (40 weeks after conception) would be my birthday. that would be pretty much amazing.
(and last night in the shower i got *convinced* for about 7 minutes that i really was pregnant and was giddily chattering away to my belly the whole time. i think those moments of positivity are probably sending very good vibes to any life form that may exist in there! but i just can't entertain them for too long, because i just don't want to fall too far when AF shows up next week.)
this is the LONGEST TWW ever!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
apparently i got more positive since the last post...
because that one said i couldn't take the idea of trying again, but here we are on CD19 and post-3 insems! what really happened was that i went home that same night, talked it over with DP, felt very supported and got some great ideas about how to feel like we're doing something different. because it was that feeling of 'why try the exact same thing again if it's clearly not working?' that was getting to me.
things we have done different this month
-started accupuncture. thanks to the folks on the NW forum, i was able to find a CHEAP accupuncture place and really love it. the dude who does it is very kind and personable, and appears to know a lot about TTC. last week when i went in for my second time, he said "this is CD14 for you right?" which i had to stop and think about because i was tracking it less than he was!
-speaking of....that's another thing we did different. didn't track anything! i took no BBTs, peed on no sticks, and touched not a finger tip to cervix opening this month. the only thing i noticed is the one day i had EWCM because...well because it was impossible to miss :). but the active non-tracking of all other signs has really improved things for me this month. i feel totally non-stressed at all!
-had a wider range of dates for our insems. this was not by design but happened because of all of our schedules, but i'm interested to see the results. usually we insem between days 14 or 15 and 19. this time we are doing 13-20. you never know...
-did at least one insem at home, which meant i could lie down for absolutely HOURS afterward. seriously. KD produced quite a respectable amount, plus i used preseed both directly inside and some in the syringe, and not a DROP dripped out because of how long i lie flat! we lounged on the couch and ate ice cream and watched movies and it was probably the most awesome sunday in recent memory. and we're planning to do another one at our house tomorrow night should all go according to plan.
i haven't a clue when my TWW would start/started and i don't have any pregnancy tests anyway, so this is probably going to be like last month and just waiting for AF to show. UNLESS. thursday i have my CD21 test and i may very well find out that i didn't even ovulate. making all of these previous steps pointless!!!, but at least it will cut the TWW short. i hope if that is the result of the test that i can learn something about what may or may not be wrong and find out what the next steps might be (and i'm thinking the next step may be finding a Dr who will swear i've been having sex for a year with a man, since that's what BCBS requires).
still don't know how long it will take to get results after thursday's test; i should check in after that and thinking about next steps....
things we have done different this month
-started accupuncture. thanks to the folks on the NW forum, i was able to find a CHEAP accupuncture place and really love it. the dude who does it is very kind and personable, and appears to know a lot about TTC. last week when i went in for my second time, he said "this is CD14 for you right?" which i had to stop and think about because i was tracking it less than he was!
-speaking of....that's another thing we did different. didn't track anything! i took no BBTs, peed on no sticks, and touched not a finger tip to cervix opening this month. the only thing i noticed is the one day i had EWCM because...well because it was impossible to miss :). but the active non-tracking of all other signs has really improved things for me this month. i feel totally non-stressed at all!
-had a wider range of dates for our insems. this was not by design but happened because of all of our schedules, but i'm interested to see the results. usually we insem between days 14 or 15 and 19. this time we are doing 13-20. you never know...
-did at least one insem at home, which meant i could lie down for absolutely HOURS afterward. seriously. KD produced quite a respectable amount, plus i used preseed both directly inside and some in the syringe, and not a DROP dripped out because of how long i lie flat! we lounged on the couch and ate ice cream and watched movies and it was probably the most awesome sunday in recent memory. and we're planning to do another one at our house tomorrow night should all go according to plan.
i haven't a clue when my TWW would start/started and i don't have any pregnancy tests anyway, so this is probably going to be like last month and just waiting for AF to show. UNLESS. thursday i have my CD21 test and i may very well find out that i didn't even ovulate. making all of these previous steps pointless!!!, but at least it will cut the TWW short. i hope if that is the result of the test that i can learn something about what may or may not be wrong and find out what the next steps might be (and i'm thinking the next step may be finding a Dr who will swear i've been having sex for a year with a man, since that's what BCBS requires).
still don't know how long it will take to get results after thursday's test; i should check in after that and thinking about next steps....
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