Tuesday, August 30, 2011

really? not yet?

Today is CD 17 and so far...nothing. I mean, it’s not a HUGE deal, because I’ve had ovulation in previous months as late as CD 19 (although that seemed like a fluke, but still), as well as CD 15, 16, and 17. So clearly I’m not overly predictable. But this is still annoying. The tank with my swimmies arrived last Thursday so if I don’t get my smiley by tomorrow morning, I’m going to call CWHC and ask their advice about what to do. Keeping the tank and paying a late fee (I think $15 per day?) is NOT a big deal at all and totally worth it, but the question is, how many days longer will the deep freeze hold? And also, what if I don’t O at ALL this cycle–how do they deal with that? (Like, does the clinic have a way of keeping it there for one month til next cycle? Or do they not have their own freezing method, but we could refill the tank and keep that? Or do we send it back and pay for shipping again next month for the same exact vials? Yecchh.). Also, let’s say I DO ovulate this cycle, but for kicks it happens on CD 20 (which isn’t completely out of the realm of possibility since it’s happened before on CD19. Well guess what. Starting CD20 we’re going out of town for the long labor day weekend....great! In that case I would also want to contemplate insemming anyway , maybe as late as possible before we leave town, just to give it a shot, because you never know. BUT maybe that's a horrible idea and a total waste of swimmies if this is an anovulatory cycle. so...these are the things I’ll ask them tomorrow and see what their sage advice is. I guess I could also call NW and ask them.

I’m pretty convinced that my Oing is delayed this month because of stress over finances. Awesome. How much does it suck that this process is one that needs you to be essentially worry-free for all internal processes to go normally, yet it organically creates its own worries (money, health, conception, you name it). You’re hilarious, universe!!!


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