Saturday, July 23, 2011

um. what???

this month i was so excited because i placed my very first order ever for arrive around CD13, as my clinic recommended, because i always O around CD16 (and never earlier than CD15). what this means in practical terms is that the little guys haven't even LEFT spokane yet on their journey to me in chicago, and aren't supposed to even arrive until weds. which means of course, today, saturday, i get a positive OPK. (they're smileys, so it's not even possible that i'm interpreting it wrong).

ok. so how is this possible? we're on CD NINE here! like i said, i have never O'd before CD15 and it usually happens CD16 or 17. so what's the deal?

this happened once before, many moons ago, i think the first month i was starting to learn how to chart. at the time i had no idea about my cycle, so when i got a positive at CD11, i figured that was it and stopped testing. but then, like a week later (maybe CD16 or 17?) i suddenly had VERY fertile CM, so when i got home from work that day i tested again and boom, another positive.

somebody tell me this is normal, and that it's possible to have 2 LH surges in a month (or malfunctioning OPKs??)...and while you're at it, tell me that i still have a chance to IUI this month???

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