Tuesday, January 10, 2012

apparently i got more positive since the last post...

because that one said i couldn't take the idea of trying again, but here we are on CD19 and post-3 insems! what really happened was that i went home that same night, talked it over with DP, felt very supported and got some great ideas about how to feel like we're doing something different. because it was that feeling of 'why try the exact same thing again if it's clearly not working?' that was getting to me.

things we have done different this month

-started accupuncture. thanks to the folks on the NW forum, i was able to find a CHEAP accupuncture place and really love it. the dude who does it is very kind and personable, and appears to know a lot about TTC. last week when i went in for my second time, he said "this is CD14 for you right?" which i had to stop and think about because i was tracking it less than he was!

-speaking of....that's another thing we did different. didn't track anything! i took no BBTs, peed on no sticks, and touched not a finger tip to cervix opening this month. the only thing i noticed is the one day i had EWCM because...well because it was impossible to miss :). but the active non-tracking of all other signs has really improved things for me this month. i feel totally non-stressed at all!

-had a wider range of dates for our insems. this was not by design but happened because of all of our schedules, but i'm interested to see the results. usually we insem between days 14 or 15 and 19. this time we are doing 13-20. you never know...

-did at least one insem at home, which meant i could lie down for absolutely HOURS afterward. seriously. KD produced quite a respectable amount, plus i used preseed both directly inside and some in the syringe, and not a DROP dripped out because of how long i lie flat! we lounged on the couch and ate ice cream and watched movies and it was probably the most awesome sunday in recent memory. and we're planning to do another one at our house tomorrow night should all go according to plan.

i haven't a clue when my TWW would start/started and i don't have any pregnancy tests anyway, so this is probably going to be like last month and just waiting for AF to show. UNLESS. thursday i have my CD21 test and i may very well find out that i didn't even ovulate. making all of these previous steps pointless!!!, but at least it will cut the TWW short. i hope if that is the result of the test that i can learn something about what may or may not be wrong and find out what the next steps might be (and i'm thinking the next step may be finding a Dr who will swear i've been having sex for a year with a man, since that's what BCBS requires).

still don't know how long it will take to get results after thursday's test; i should check in after that and thinking about next steps....