Tuesday, February 14, 2012

yes, no, maybe so.

yesterday (and over the weekend) i was pretty optimistic that hey...it's POSSIBLE that this time worked. today, not so much. i woke up last night from some brief, but annoying cramps--the ones i ALWAYS get one week before i get my period. so though i still don't know why this happens (as i wrote in an earlier post, why would my uterus need to practice every month one week before showtime?), it seems to imply that this is a normal (i.e. not pregnant) cycle and AF will be showing next week. yeesh.

i discovered that there were some comments to an earlier post on here :), and they're right--going to see my doctor will feel like an important step. my appointment is set for next tuesday!


Unknown said...

I stumbled across your blog today and just wanted to say -- I hope your TTC journey is (has been??) successful!

kati said...

thank you unknown! :)